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Trimgel Anti-cellulite - Slimming

Trimgel Anti-cellulite - Slimming
Trimgel Anti-cellulite - Slimming
Reference : TRIMANTICA
49.95 euros
(Shipping: Only 7,00 € per order - Worldwide)

Trimgel Anti-cellulite - Slimming
Anti-Cellulite gel tube

Slimming diet: Trimgel - Gel Anti-Cellulite. Significantly reduce your cellulite, your skin orange.

Duration of the diet program: 1 month


Anti-Cellulite gel Trimgel, unique formula of plant extracts and aromatic oils is an excellent support to the process used in the case of local fat deposits.

Its use leads to amazing results and even Oprah Winfrey speaks in his Show!
After a huge success in the United States, Anti-Cellulite Gel Trimgel is finally available in France! This gel, non-greasy, pleasant smelling is rapidly absorbed through the skin.

The interaction between the gel and massage stimulates the metabolism to reduce Cellulite unsightly.
The Hoodia cactus variety of South Africa is known for its effects in combination with Geranium oil, absolute star of thinning in the United States, gradually reducing cellulite fat under the skin.

Skin clearer, smoother and more beautiful for Action Anti-Cellulite soft and stable.

Directions for use:
- In healthy skin, apply the gel on the abdomen, inner thighs or upper arms 2 times per day.
Massage gently with fingers in a rotating motion.

2025-12-31 49.9549,95
Rating Excellent 5.0/5 - 1 comments Read or write a comment
Excellent 5/5  -  Madonna_Miami
First time I use anti-cellulite against cellulite but rather satidfaite the results. I do not inadvisable.
thank you
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