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The Dukan method illustrated

The Dukan method illustrated
The Dukan method illustrated
Reference : DUKANMETHO
29.90 euros
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The Dukan method illustrated ®

The ultimate synthesis of the Dukan method ®

Author: Pierre Dukan
Publisher: Flammarion - Wellness Illustrated
Release Date: April 2009
Collection: Guides
Size: 17 cm x 21 cm, paperback
Number of pages: 254 pages
ISBN-10: 2081223732
ISBN-13: 978-2081223738
Illustration: Illustrations color
Language: French

Since 2001, more than a million readers lose weight I do not know the method adopted nutritionist Pierre Dukan and lost weight permanently.
Many of them, feeling to have finally found the solution to their weight problem, have felt invested with the mission to know, what the press was then called The Dukan phenomenon.
Here is the ultimate synthesis of the Dukan method ® with its latest extensions:

- Its four phases: attack, cruise, consolidation and stabilization, with special menus,

- Its 100 food ad libitum (72 protein, 28 vegetables)

- The new engine: the APPSO, physical activity prescribed prescription

- Its size fun with the last 60 new recipes

- Its surprisingly effective, immediate results and persistent

- The absence of hunger and frustration

- The contract for stabilizing short, medium and long term

- The customization and followed by Internet

2025-12-31 29.9029,90
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