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Tea thinness flat stomach

Tea thinness flat stomach
Tea thinness flat stomach
Reference : VENTREPLAT
9,90 euros
(Shipping: Only 7,00 € per order - Worldwide)

Herb tea thinness special flat stomach.
Box of 20 bags.

Ingredients: black Tea, mallow, mint, root of rhubarb, fruit of anise.

How to find a flat stomach after a childbirth?

It is surement a question that you arise!

With this herb tea 100 % natural which acts directly on the abdominal fat, you go to find in a few days (8 days on average), a flat stomach.

Is convenient for every person among whom the women coming to put in the world a new to be.

A series stomach exercises (between 20 and 40 a day) are recommended during all the period by the diet.

2025-12-31 9.909,90
Rating Very good 4.0/5 - 1 comments Read or write a comment
Very good 4/5  -  oslo
How to find a flat stomach fast? I ordered this slimming tea to lose weight and regain a flat stomach, I just received my order, hoping that it really works.
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