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Lemon diet of celebrities

Lemon diet of celebrities
Lemon diet of celebrities
Reference : CURECITRON
8.45 euros
(Shipping: Only 7,00 € per order - Worldwide)


Ingredients: Lemon
No preservatives or artificial coloring.

Can be sweetened.
(Find our slimming sweeteners in the sweetener category'' thin'').

Before, to have a perfect body, it was necessary to deprive themselves torturing food side, which quickly became discouraged! Today, this is no longer the case thanks to the lemon diet. It is not based on deprivation and a hit among Hollywood stars ... So ready for a perfect body?

To whom is the lemon diet? :

It is perfect for all women who want to be fit, toned, and of course for all those who want to lose weight!

The basis of the lemon diet: This is to introduce lemon tea at all meals but also snacks (for those who are).

Why? Because poor digestion can lead to weight gain (find our products digestions), and consuming this tea lemon you get rid of toxins that pollute your digestive system.

Every morning, he will drink a cup of tea on an empty stomach to start the day and with every meal or snack for 4 weeks.

Nutrition during the diet: What you should focus on in this lemon diet: vegetables, whole food or nature, seasonings instead of salt.

Raw or undercooked are also recommended. Reduce sugar and fat is important!

Most of the lemon diet: The advantage with this system is that it is easy to follow since it is not based on deprivation. It is to detoxify the body and slightly change their eating habits.
You cleanse your body, put the record straight by promoting foods that stimulate digestion. So this time, no frustration, only discipline to feel better!

The results of this plan are amazing and fast!

100% natural

2025-12-31 8.458,45
Rating Excellent 5.0/5 - 2 comments Read or write a comment
Excellent 5/5  -  Luce
Very good taste, it goes alone and slimming satisfactory results are obtained (at the moment).
Excellent 5/5  -  jimjimjim
The lemon really helps to lose weight, start a diet with a lemon diet slimming is my advice, it helped me.
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