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Lanaform Swing Trainer - Weight Loss

Lanaform Swing Trainer - Weight Loss
Lanaform Swing Trainer - Weight Loss
Reference : SWINGLANAF
99.00 euros
(Shipping: Only 7,00 € per order - Worldwide)

Lanaform Swing Trainer - Weight Loss
Trainer slimming

Slimming product: Playful and practical, the Swing Trainer Lanaform works every muscle in the body. His movement is simple for you to do sports at your own pace without tiring. Swing Trainer allows you to work the muscles, improve endurance, and stay in good physical shape, so pleasant and efficient. Many varied and original exercises to help you optimize your fitness!

Slimming program: Upper body and lower body


Swing Trainer is the top fitness at home!

Through a series of regular exercise, Swing Trainer helps to improve the quality of life, provides an energy boost, helps combat the effects of age and provides an overall feeling of well-being.
In fact, research has shown that cardiovascular exercise daily to help achieve the following benefits:
• Loss of weight
• Body Sculpting,
• Increased muscle mass,
• Resistance, endurance,
• From strength and flexibility.

Many varied and original exercises to help you maximize your fitness. Its compact size allows easy storage and use simple and regular.

Specifications Swing Trainer

Dimensions: 790x370x190mm

2025-12-31 99.0099,00
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