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Kos - LeptinKOS - Appetite Suppressant

Kos - LeptinKOS - Appetite Suppressant
Kos - LeptinKOS - Appetite Suppressant
Reference : LEPTINKOS1
44.70 euros
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Kos - LeptinKOS - Appetite Suppressant Slimming
60 tablets

Slimming diet: control hunger, metabolic stimulation

Duration of the diet program: 12 days

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)

Extract (ES) of Garcinia fruit rind of Garcinia cambogia DESR) -. Fam. Guttifere
Active Ingredients: 60% HCA

Bitter orange immature ES fruit (Citrus aurantium L. var Amara.) - Fam. Rutaceae
Active Ingredients: Synephrine 6% flavone glycosides

Green Tea Leaves ES
(Camellia sinensis LO Kuntze) - fam. Teacee
Active Ingredients: 80% polyphenols, 10% caffeine

The seeds of Griffonia ES (Griffonia simplicifolia Baill.) - Fam. Legumes
Active Ingredients: 10%

Leaves of Gymnema ES
(Gymnema sylvestre R.Br.) - fam. Milkweed
Active Ingredients: 25% ac.gymnemici

ES birch leaves (Betula pubescens Ehrh.l.) - fam. Betulaceae
Active ingredients: flavonoids 2.5-3%

ES thallus of Fucus
(Fucus vesiculosus L.) - fam. Fucacee
Active ingredients: 0.2% of organic iodine, phenolic compounds, sulfur compounds

Gum resin of ES Gugul
(Commiphora mukul Hook.) - Fam. Burseraceae
Active Ingredients: 2.5% gugulipidi

Fruits ES black pepper
(Piper nigrum L.) - fam. Fucacee
Active Ingredients: 95% piperine

Chromium picolinate


Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
Synergize the action of other components by reducing the volume of fat cells and increase muscle mass.

The active ingredient of Garcinia acts on the liver and adipose tissue substantially limiting the activity of the enzyme citratoliasi, to block the process of storing fat, promote the complete demolition of the food energy production and therefore give a feeling of satiety.

Citrus aurantium
The active substances of Citrus aurantium stimulate thermogenesis in particular by increasing beta-oxidation of fat (lipolysis), thereby facilitating the mobilization of fat reserves. For their effect also reduces the energy required to ingest carbohydrates.

Green tea
In addition to caffeine, green tea contains a large amount of polyphenols, for which he is now demonstrated a detoxifying action, can help eliminate free radicals and other toxic substances accumulated in the case of slowed metabolism.

Griffonia is useful for maintaining physiological levels of serotonin and melatonin needed to control food cravings and dominate the states of anxiety and depression, the typical symptoms of menopause.

Gymnema reduces the absorption of sugars and also facilitates the use of glucose for energy production (thermogenic effect).

It also has a cleansing and diuretic activity, particularly useful in case of cellulite because it helps eliminate toxins responsible for nodule formation characteristics.

The iodine content in kelp concentrates in the thyroid function improved to boost metabolism and accelerate the spare wheel. The other components of the algae work in synergy to promote kidney function and reduce the tendency to physiologically water retention.

Bed to stimulate action against tirodie and through hepatic metabolism aumetnato LDL cholesterol, normalizes the values ​​of low-density lipoprotein (LDL).

Black pepper
Piperine increases the absorption and effectiveness of the above compounds.

Induces satiety, mobilizes fat stores by stimulating its transformation into energy, burn excess calories.

Directions for use:
- 2 tablets before / or during meals, 2 times a day (lunch and dinner).

Not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.
The slimming product is used as part of a varied and balanced diet by following a healthy lifestyle.
Do not exceed recommended daily intake.
Keep away from children under 3 years
In prolonged use, consult a doctor.
Under certain physiological or pathological states, or in combination with medication, consult your doctor.

2025-12-31 44.7044,70
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