Regime Store Company

Herb tea thinness beauty

Herb tea thinness beauty
Herb tea thinness beauty
Reference : REGIMBEAUT
9,90 euro
(Shipping: Only 7,00 € per order - Worldwide)

1 box of 20 bags.
Herb tea thinness beauty.

Ingredients: tea Oolong, chrysanthemun, semen pruni, lohankuo, rhubarb.

Thanks to this herb tea, you will manage to lose your superfluous kilos while gaining a healthy and silky skin as only the Japanese have.

It is necessary to count on average 8 days to obtain the first results thinness.
It will however be necessary to wait 25 days to see your skin improving sharply.

100 % natural, it is convenient for every person.

2025-12-31 9.909,90
Rating Excellent 5.0/5 - 1 comments Read or write a comment
Excellent 5/5  -  Timothy
Smooth cellulite cellulite. 19/20
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