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BIO NUTRISANTé depurative

BIO NUTRISANTé depurative
BIO NUTRISANTé depurative
Reference : PEAUORANGE
5.20 euros
(Shipping: Only 7,00 € per order - Worldwide)

BIO NUTRISANTé depurative
BIO 20 teabags

- Can be slightly sweet.
(Find our slimming sweeteners in the sweetener category'' thin'')
- Can be combined with any other slimming product on our site.

Infusions Bio labs Nutrisanté - 100% natural - Depurative Infusion - Box of 20 filter bags.

Properties and principal active:
This tea helps to cleanse the body of waste and toxins, including each change of seasons. Plants that compose acting effect on the organs involved in the detoxification of the body.

- The black currant, burdock and birch, known for their detoxifying and purifying action, promote the functions of elimination of water by the kidneys.
- The nettle helps eliminate waste and toxins accumulated in the body.
- Melissa and dandelion, known for their beneficial effects on biliary functions, facilitate the process of purification of the body.
- Licorice helps to improve intestinal work.
Organic teas are 100% natural Nutrisanté and meet the requirements of the Organic Farming. All plants used in their composition are grown naturally with methods that respect the environment and without the use of genetically modified organisms in accordance with the organic production method.
No artificial flavors, our teas retain the purity of plants for a natural pleasure.
Also in this environmental initiative, the filter bags are made from unbleached paper with chlorine and do not have to clip to avoid the phenomenon of oxidation.

Tips for use:
- Put a bag in a cup, pour boiling water and steep 3-5 minutes. This herbal tea is also delicious eaten cold! After infusion, the tea cool a few hours in the refrigerator. Serve with ice, possibly with a lemon juice for an even more refreshing.
Only a varied diet is a source of a balanced diet. This product can contribute to your weight loss program as if it is consumed in the context of a system where the total calorie intake is controlled.

2025-12-31 5.205,20
Rating Excellent 5.0/5 - 1 comments Read or write a comment
Excellent 5/5  -  siphonaUSA
Herbal slimming fast!
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